Aug 16, 2016
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Nuragic bronze statuette with 4 eyes and 4 arms

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Nuragic bronze statuette with 4 eyes and 4 arms from the Santuario nuragico di Abini di Teti at the Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Cagliari, 2nd millennium B.C. CC BY-SA Shardan via Wikimedia Commons.

Wikipedia says:

The nuragic bronze statuettes (bronzetti in Italian, brunzittos or brunzittus in Sardinian) are typical Sardinian bronze sculptures of the final phase of the Bronze Age and the early Iron Age.

During the archaeological excavations in Sardinia have been discovered more than 500 of these bronzes, mainly in places of worship such as holy wells and the so-called megara temples but also in the villages and in the nuraghi. Several statues were also found in excavations carried out in central Italy and precisely in Etruscan tombs of the IX-VIII century BC.

The Italian version is more complete.

Let’s see other four-eyed or two-headed items:

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Article Categories:
1000 BCE - 1 CE · Mediterranean · Sculpture

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