Aug 11, 2016
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Carved Stones in Gavrinis Dolmen passage grave, France

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Carved Stones in Gavrinis Dolmen passage grave, France. CC BY-ND by D. Truffaut via Flickr.

Wikipedia says:

At the time of its construction, c. 3500 BC, the island was still connected with the mainland. The rich internal decorations make Gavrinis one of the major treasuries of European megalithic art.

I’ll quote some of the details provided at

Julian Cope in his book The Megalithic European comments “A pavement  lined the floor of this passage and chamber, the entrance to the latter being defined by a carved sillstone reminiscent of those beautiful carved lintels seen at Ireland’s Fourknocks and at the Bend in the Boyne”

Aubrey Burl in his book Megalithic Brittany comments “It is for its art that Gavrinis is famous. No fewer than twenty-three of it’s twenty-nine upright stones have been carved, not in single or isolated motifs but in a profuse series of compositions so that stone flows into stone or is mirrored by another in patterns engraved in low relief. The art is balanced in panels horizontally and vertically in symbols of which the main elements are concentric arcs and axes. These latter implements have splayed cutting edges like the big, prestige axes from the Carnac Mounds.”

More from the same place:

They are mentioned (with diagram) on this book, page 203.

  • [PDF] E. A. Parkyn, An introduction to the study of prehistoric art, London, New York [etc.] : Longmans, Green and Co..
      author      = {Parkyn, Ernest Albert},
      title       = {An introduction to the study of prehistoric art},
      date        = {1915},
      editora     = {{University of California Libraries}},
      publisher   = {London, New York [etc.] : Longmans, Green and Co.},
      pagetotal   = {416},
      url         = {},
      urldate     = {2016-08-12},
      abstract    = {Includes bibliographical references},
      editoratype = {collaborator},
      file        = {introductiontost00park.pdf:media/trismegisto/Vitamin/Documents/Bibliography/introductiontost00park.pdf:PDF},
      keywords    = {Art, Primitive},
      owner       = {trismegisto},
      timestamp   = {2016-08-12},


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4000 - 3000 BCE · Architecture · Gaul · Illustration · Petroglyph

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