Jun 15, 2015
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“Messiah hurls the rebel angels from the open wall of heaven” by Gustave Doré

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“Messiah hurls the rebel angels from the open wall of heaven” by Gustave Doré. A note from the post War in Heaven at A Classical Day blog:

The host of Heaven bore down upon the Traitor’s legions, “God’s indignation on these Godless poured”. Full of wrath bent on His enemies, the Messiah crashed into the impious ranks, all but the throne of God itself shaking. Grasping ten thousand bolts of flaming thunder, He blasts the rebel angels through the crystal walls of Heaven, hurling them and their dread commander headlong into a fall to the fiery pit of Hell.


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< 10,000 BCE · Illustration · Majesty at The End

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