Wheel of Fortune (X) is the tenth trump or Major Arcana card. This one is from the Knapp-Hall Tarot. According to Aeclectic Tarot:
The Knapp-Hall Tarot is a reprint of the original Knapp Tarot, which was first published in 1929. The majors have a French influence and the minors are unillustrated. The Knapp-Hall Tarot Instructions companion leaflet has an introduction by Manly P. Hall and instructions by John Augustus Knapp (the illustrator). The instructions are a reprint of the booklet, “Divination with Tarot Cards”.
Compare with these other versions:
John Augustus Knapp was a Kentucky-born illustrator whose work graced the faces of early 20th-century tarot cards and the covers of mystic and occult volumes. In 1918, Knapp moved to Los Angeles, California, where he continued working as a designer, illustrator and painter, at one time employed by Thomas Ince Studios where he participated in the very early days of the movie industry. During this period he also became illustrator of many of the works of esoteric scholar Manly P. Hall, working with Hall on Initiates of the Flame, and later his magnum opus The Secret Teachings of All Ages. Knapp also designed a Tarot deck in collaboration with Hall.
- E. Gray, The Complete Guide to the Tarot, Bantam, 2011.
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To discover many other examples of tarot decks, check Sumada Monsarrat’s flickr.