Terracotta painted figurine from Egypt’s Predynastic Period. Item #07.447.505 at the Brooklyn Museum. CC BY-SA by ego technique via Flickr.
Medium: Terracotta, painted
Reportedly From: Ma’mariya, Egypt
Dates: ca. 3500-3400 B.C.E.
Period: Predynastic Period, Naqada IIa Period
Dimensions: 11 ½ × 5 ½ × 2 ¼ in. (29.2 × 14 × 5.7 cm)
It would appear this is Bat, which, according to Heidi Kontkanen:
On statuettes of this period, the legs are usually not articulated and the faces are beaklike. This rare undamaged example, one of the oldest works in the Brooklyn Museum, was found in a burial excavated by the Museum’s first archaeological expedition in Egypt. The symbolism, function, and identity of the figure are not certain. However, similar female figures painted on Predynastic vessels appear to be goddesses, because they are always larger than the male “priests” shown with them.
The raised arms are similar to horns, heavenly ships, and else:
S. Budge E. A. Wallis, The gods of the Egyptians; or, Studies in Egyptian mythology, Chicago : Open Court Publishing Co., 1904.
[Bibtex]@Book{godsofegyptianso02budg, Title = {The gods of the Egyptians; or, Studies in Egyptian mythology}, Author = {{Budge}, E. A. Wallis, Sir}, Publisher = {Chicago : Open Court Publishing Co.}, Year = {1904}, Note = {Published: 1904 Topics: Mythology, Egyptian, Egypt -- Religion Identifier: godsofegyptianso02budg Mediatype: texts Copyright-evidence-operator: Steven F Radzikowski Copyright-region: US Copyright-evidence Evidence: reported by Steven F Radzikowski for item godsofegyptianso02budg on September 16, 2008: no visible notice of copyright; stated date is 1911. Copyright-evidence-date: 20080916115858 Scanningcenter: nj Ppi: 400 Camera: Canon 5D Operator: scanner-joe-ondreicka@... Scanner: scribe4.nj.archive.org Scandate: 20091016154550 Imagecount: 560 Foldoutcount: 1 Identifier-access: http://www.archive.org/details/godsofegyptianso02budg Identifier-ark: ark:/13960/t9280jp07 Sponsordate: 20080930 Bookplateleaf: 0003 Ocr: ABBYY FineReader 8.0}, File = {godsofegyptianso02budg.pdf:godsofegyptianso02budg.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {Mythology, Egyptian, Egypt -- Religion}, Owner = {trismegisto}, Timestamp = {2016.01.06}, Url = {https://archive.org/details/godsofegyptianso02budg} }
Source: brooklynmuseum.org via Flickr