Aug 16, 2015
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“Prométhée” by Jean Delville

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“Prométhée” by Jean Delville. 1907. oil on canvas, 500 × 250 cm. Brussels: Université Libre de Bruxelles.

From Hesiod’s Theogony:

(ll. 561-584) So spake Zeus in anger, whose wisdom is everlasting; and from that time he was always mindful of the trick, and would not give the power of unwearying fire to the Melian (21) race of mortal men who live on the earth. But the noble son of Iapetus [i.e. Prometheus] outwitted him and stole the far-seen gleam of unwearying fire in a hollow fennel stalk. And Zeus who thunders on high was stung in spirit, and his dear heart was angered when he saw amongst men the far-seen ray of fire. Forthwith he made an evil thing for men as the price of fire;

  • [PDF] Hesiod, Theogony, H. G. Evelyn-White, Ed., G. P. Putnam’s Sons, Heinemann, 1914.
      Title                    = {Theogony},
      Author                   = {Hesiod},
      Editor                   = {Hugh G. Evelyn-White},
      Publisher                = {G. P. Putnam's Sons, Heinemann},
      Year                     = {1914},
      Note                     = {Full text in HTML:
    Place publ:
    Date publ:
    Phys descr:
     print, xlviii, 657, 8 p.
     17 cm.
    Word count:
     with an English translation by Hugh G. Evelyn-White.
     "Contains practically all that remains of the post-Homeric and pre-academic epic poetry"--Pref.
     Includes index.
     Bibliography: p. xliii-xlviii.
     Epic poetry, Greek--Translations into English
     Hymns, Greek (Classical)--Translations into English
     Hesiod--Translations into English
     Gods, Greek--Poetry
     Epic poetry, Greek},
      Series                   = {Loeb Classical Library},
      File                     = {hesiod-theogony.pdf:hesiod-theogony.pdf:PDF},
      Owner                    = {trismegisto},
      Timestamp                = {2016.01.18},
      Url                      = {}

Prometheus was a cunning trickster, in much the same way tricksters from other mythologies have: Loki (Norse), and Raven/Coyote (Native American) for example.

You can read Æschilus’ Promoetheus Bound here:

  • [PDF] W. G. Aeschylus; Headlam Clinton E. S; Headlam, The plays of Æschylus, London : G. Bell, 1909.
      Title                    = {The plays of Æschylus},
      Author                   = {Aeschylus; Headlam, Clinton E. S; Headlam, Walter George},
      Publisher                = {London : G. Bell},
      Year                     = {1909},
      Note                     = {Introduction. Prometheus bound. The Persians. The seven against Thebes. The suppliants. Agamemnon. Choephoroe. Eumenides},
      Comment                  = {Pages: 384
    Possible copyright status: NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT
    Language: English
    Call number: SRLF:LAGE-4005482
    Digitizing sponsor: MSN
    Book contributor: University of California Libraries
    Collection: cdl; americana},
      File                     = {aeschylusplays00aesciala.pdf:aeschylusplays00aesciala.pdf:PDF;aeschylusplays00aesciala.epub:aeschylusplays00aesciala.epub:ePUB},
      Owner                    = {trismegisto},
      Timestamp                = {2016.01.18},
      Url                      = {}

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