Sep 5, 2016
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Petroglyph at Pedres de la Creu Blanca, Spain

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Petroglyph at stone 3, Pedres de la Creu Blanca, Catalonia, Spain. © Vicenç Armangué i Ribas via Megalítica.

Dated at 3rd-4th millennium BC. This item appears on this book:

  • V. Armangué i Ribas, Guia del megalitisme de l’Alt Empordà, Megalítica, 2015.
      author    = {Armangué i Ribas, Vicenç},
      title     = {Guia del megalitisme de l'Alt Empordà},
      year      = {2015},
      date      = {2015-04-01},
      note      = {Col·laboren: Ajuntament de Vilajuïga, Diputació de Girona, Via Pirena},
      publisher = {Megalítica},
      isbn      = {9788460676775},
      pages     = {163},
      url       = {},
      urldate   = {2016-09-05},
      comment   = {© Vicenç Armangué i Ribas},
      owner     = {trismegisto},
      timestamp = {2016-09-05},

See a detailed catalogue of megalithic remains from the area at, the publishers of the book.

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4000 - 3000 BCE · Iberia · Petroglyph

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