Aug 13, 2016
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A Carved Stone Ball from Glaschul Hill in Towie, Aberdeenshire

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A Carved Stone Ball from Glaschul Hill in Towie, Aberdeenshire. Sir John Evans, The Ancient Stone implements, Weapons & Ornaments of Great Britain. Longmans, Green & Co. 1897. P. 421. Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons /

The National Museum of Scotland (online ID: 000-100-033-206-C) says:

This carved stone ball was found at Towie in Aberdeenshire. It dates from between 3200 and 2500 BC. Many functions have been suggested for these objects. Whatever their function, they were prestigious possessions, symbols of power.

The ball has four knobs, three of them decorated with spirals or dots and rings. The designs closely resemble those pecked into the stones of the massive passage tomb at Newgrange in Ireland. They probably had a sacred, symbolic significance.

Carved stone balls are distinctly Scottish objects, with over 425 known. Most have been found in Aberdeenshire. They are similar in size and a few are decorated with spirals and curved motifs, as is this example. The Towie ball is exceptionally fine.

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4000 - 3000 BCE · British Isles · Sculpture

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