Apr 15, 2016
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Rock inscription at Xianzi Lake by Taixi River, Fujian Province

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Rock inscription at Xianzi Lake by Taixi River, Fujian Province. From the article Petroglyph studies in modern and contemporary China by Zhu Lifeng at Social Sciences in China Press. Originally from Chinese Social Sciences Today, No. 373. Oct, 31, 2012.

The field research done by Huang Zhongqin in the rock inscription at Xianzi Lake by Taixi River, Fujian Province and his 1935 article “Ancient Writing at Taixi” mark the first forays into the field China. After Huang’s research and into the 1970s, both Chinese and international scholars reported discoveries of petroglyphs in Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia and Yunnan.

The date used as a category is my guess.


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3000 - 2000 BCE · China · Petroglyph

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